These statistics rest on a complex mix of recording methodology , economic concepts and accounting conventions 季数字,是结合了记录方法经济概念及会计惯例等复杂元素的成果。
The author think abc accounting is in line with accounting system on the whole . on the other hand , some conflicts with current accounting convention also exist 作业成本会计在我国企业财务会计中运用是可行的,总体上是符合会计制度的,但同时它又与现行会计惯例存在一定的冲突,也是至今难以广泛应用的症结所在。
Electronic commerce has changed the organization and procedures of management and other sides of accounting environment that will impact traditional accounting convention and recognition 电子商务使企业的组织形式、生产经营方式和企业业务流程等会计环境因素发生变革,势必对传统的会计假设、会计确认等产生重大冲击。
The existing recognized accounting principle and the accounting convention leave the space for earnings management in the certain degree for the company manager , this would have the negative influence on the earnings quality 现有的公认会计原则和会计惯例在一定程度上为公司留下了许多进行盈余管理的空间,对盈余质量常常会产生不利的影响。
According to international accounting convention about financial derivative exchange , through strengthening internal risk control and independent auditing financial derivative instruments from the stance of risk managements , the banks can control financial derivative instruments risk efficiently 依据衍生金融交易会计国际惯例,强化对国有商业银行金融衍生工具的内部风险控制和从风险管理角度对衍生金融工具进行独立审计,可有效控制衍生金融工具风险。
According to the theory , the multi - levels accounting information disclosure system is completely accorded with the relativity principle , the materiality principle , the cost - income principle ; from the practice , it can satisfy the different quest to the different user , and it can also help to the promotion of the disclosure quality and the accounting theory and practice . it had been adopted by the unite states and england for many years as an accounting convention , it is also adopted by european country such as german holland belgium , spain 从理论上看,多层次的会计信息披露制度更符合会计的相关性原则、重要性原则、和成本效益原则;从实践上看,它满足了不同企业的会计信息需求者对会计信息的不同需求,更符合我国实际,有利于披露质量的提高,有利于我国会计理论与实务水平的快速提高。
It is an important study - subject to improve the business accounting reports of our country . based on the environment of china social economics and starting - point to meet information demand of information user , connected to international accounting conventions the paper studies the basic theories of accounting reports which contain the development of business accounting reports in order to seek the limitation existed current business accounting reports of our country . so , it improves the structure of business accounting reports and report forms , and makes the accounting reports become better 本文立足于中国社会经济环境,以满足信息需求者的信息需求为出发点,深入剖析我国现行企业会计报告存在的局限性,对制约我国企业会计报告发展的会计基本理论问题进行深入研究,在此基础上改进了我国企业会计报告的结构和报告方式,从而弥补其局限性,也为如何构建比较完善的企业会计报告模式提供新思路。
In addition , when integrated distributors are concerned , given the accounting conventions and flexibility of classifying cost between the costs of goods sold and operating expenses , the cost base used in the berry ratio ( the operating expenses ) also may contain costs related to manufacturing , which is certainly a perversion of the original intent of the berry ratio 另外,有些“全职能”的分销商根据会计原理,在销售成本和营业费用的分类上采取相对灵活的做法,这样的话,作为”贝里比率”基础的营业费用中就可能包含“制造成本” ,而这显然是背离了”贝里比率”的原始定义。